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New Glossary Cross Reference Feature


We have introduced a new Glossary Cross Reference Feature for most written pages.  The Glossary is being populated with common and not so common Railway and Model Railway terms.  Simple text explanations are the starting point but fully featured descriptions with images and diagrams will follow later this year (a lomg winter's night job!).

How it works: The component is positioned in the right hand coloumn.  It is hidden untill it detects a word or phrase on the page that corresponds to an entry in the Glossary.  It then lists that word or phrase with a link to its definition.

This is ideal in our hobby because for all the help these pages offer there will always be the odd term that we don't really understand.  This new feature does that automaticlly and does not spoil the readability of the page in the process.

As the Glossary is extended then longer lists will appear.
